Saturday, December 27, 2008

Upswing in Energy; Making the Most of Each Day

Eric reporting from 3239 9th St....

Over several days at home my mother has been eating more food and getting up and around, for example to be at the Christmas Eve dinner table and at gift exchanges (accomplished in several stages over two days). This is good to see and also incongruous, given the prognosis offered by the doctors.

My mother and I have just enjoyed a good evening of quiet talking, along with my reading to her all of your comments on the blog. On several occasions while reading I had to pause to let myself fully feel your love and caring -- and let the tears and choked-up feeling pass. Very moving, much appreciated. She just noted what a joy it is to be alive to hear this kind of thing, instead of people coming forth only at a service.

All the other primary and satellite caregivers (Marian, Bob, Bill, Catherine), along with Ariel, Brian and Aidan, are out at the movies tonight (Marley and Me for Ariel and Brian, and Milk for the adults and San Francisco-native Aidan, who I noticed has a copy on his bed at our house of A People's History of American Empire). This night out is a rare break for Marian, Bob, and my father.

Today Bob started recording my mother with the micro digital recorder, covering narratives and memories up to elementary school age. I recorded some more tonight, including her comments on blog letters. It is good to be underway and spending time in the zone of Celebrating Life and Being in the Moment (as opposed to other sector, Death and Dying). We are shifting to the former zone as much as possible, given my mother's upswing in energy.

Best wishes back to everyone who has written, brought food, offered and/or provided support, and even just thought about my mother (the latter being what she says is all she has ever done for anyone else, through the years). What my mother has taught me at a fundamental level: May we cherish and make the most of each day!


Unknown said...

Dear Doub clan,

Like Nancy, sometimes all I can do is keep a loved one in my thoughts. So rest assured, Nancy, you and your family have been in my thoughts all week, since hearing from LeRoy Moore. I am glad to read Eric's update this morning, and so very grateful that your whole family is there to be with Nancy now. What more can we ask than to know love when we arrive and depart? (well, maybe we can ask for the abolition of war and capitalism, too. That'd make it a lot easier for more to know love.)
It was wonderful to see all of you last April at the RFTF 30th anniversary reunion in Boulder. (just sorry we didn't have time to visit Solar Harvest then... but next time!) & perhaps part of the oral history Bob and Eric have started recording will make its way into the collection at the Boulder Library that I learned about when Felice & I were there?
I am certain the Doub family (Bill & Nancy, Marian, and Eric) are the only entire two generations of a family who subscribe to the Nuclear Resister! Not sure what that means, exactly, except that now, as a husband and a parent, it somehow fits with what I first thought when I heard of Marian and Nancy's arrest on the tracks, before I'd met either of you - "Wow! What a great mom!"
In due course, I got to know a great family of radical, loving humans, even as a co-defendant with Nancy, and am all the better (if at all) for having your examples.
Love & strength to your family,
Jack Cohen-Joppa

Debby Arzt-Mor said...

Dear Doubs!
Thank you so much for the update. It is so good to hear that Nancy is home and that her energy is improving. You are all an amazing family - I know that you will continue to cherish each and every moment.
Love, Debby, Boaz, Tal and Edan

Debby Arzt-Mor said...

Dear Nancy,
Boaz here. Being in this beautiful Garden Island, where everything is lush and green, I met a great pond-builder and I thought about you. I would like to share this man’s concept of healing ponds which I have a feeling you will appreciate. These ponds are built in old vases of different sizes and are a growing place for cleansing water plants. Some of the vases are big enough to dip one’s hand, others are big enough to dip your whole body in. the water in the ponds is never changed, just replenished (by rain water on this island, which exists in abundance). A person can use this pond to wash his or her body, re-using the same water, soaked with their energy to feed a veggie garden. In this way, the garden is learning its owner’s energy as well. This is a beautiful cycle in my eyes. What a beautiful concept which actually becomes real. Like the live water in these vases you will always be part of this cycle.

debbie hyppa said...

dear doubs,

so glad to hear you're up & around, nancy! it's a good reminder that we all need to make the most of the time we have with those we cherish. my best to all, in boulder & around the world.

love & peace always,


Martha/Marcie said...

January 1, 2009
Hi Nancy,
Report from the old folks home
This is long, so read if and when energy allows. Mainly, it's just one heart-felt good wish to you and your family. I think of you often and whish you well.
Love, Martha/Marcie

New Year's Eve celebration: The community here likes to celebrate, never mind our midnight is 9:00, we had a live band featuring several standard instruments and an amazingly well-played saw. walkers pushed to the side, people played casino games and dominos, drank champagne or sparkling cider. a few danced, One, you might know it was a Pomona alumnus, danced vigorously and almost continuously with every woman who would give it a try and,, when everyone was tired, alone. On the last strike of 9:00 everyone made a lot of noise with party noisemakers, delivered a shaky rendition of Ald Lang Zyne, Hugged, kissed and, calling out "happy New Year" grabbed walkers and canes as necessary and made tracks for home and bed.

Party girl that I'm not, I put Laney on tie-down, picked up my white cane and tapped my way down to the party at 8:50. I danced one dance with the hyper-active Pomona grad, raised a glass of cider with the community and joined the procession homeward.

Now I'm sitting at my computer trying to decide what to do this day. I am making one New Year's resolution: not to be in a hurry.

Tich Nhat Hanh's Buddhist monks gather visitors into a circle and sing little didactic songs. My choice for this year, or, at least, for today, is

Happiness is here and now
I have dropped my worry.
Nowhere to go. Nothing to do
Never in a hurry.

Happiness is here and now.
I have dropped my worry.
Somewhere to go. Something to do--
But not in a hurry.

When I think of myself, of who I am, that includes you and your family. In some way, you went to the New Year's party with me and are with me still as I sit here writing. . I wish us all every good thing and especially the love of family and friends.

Thank you, Erick, for keeping this blog up to date.

Anonymous said...

Hello From rainy, gorgeous Camptonville. Your neighbors all send good thoughts. The problematic kiwi did a miraculous revival after appearing totally gone for a week. The compost is growing well. FAll color was exquisite. It's mainly winter here now; patches of snow, glistening rain shining all over everything. A fox has moved into the neighborhood. No sign of the bear in two months... or the cougar. Sam has moved to home study since he is now a busy curator of a gallery and getting huge recognition for his photos. By the way, we sent photos to the family who stayed here last September. We're including one photo of them and your house so you can see how much they liked it. The autumn leaves are from your front yard.

Nancy, you're our hero. Everyone who has come here of our friends are inspired by the way you guys set this place up for children.

We look forward to seeing you here in the spring.

much love, george and Sam

Nathan in Madagascar said...

hi nancy. It was so nice to get the chance to sit and chat with you at the hospital. You continue to be inspiring and enjoyable to talk to. I am so very happy to hear that you are getting to record many of your memories as you had hoped to have time to do. Your family, and their future generations, will cherish those interesting tidbits of your life! Two of the things that I will miss most about you are our challenging tennis matches and our fascinating intellectual conversations. I always looked forward to seeing you because, even though I could rarely beat you on the court, I knew that I would always be entertained by our conversations!! It will be strange, and very sad, not to be able to call you up for a game of singles. I will continue to think of you, as I always do, every day when I drive by your house and see the flag of world peace. It always reminds me to take a deep breath and remember my faith in the people of this planet!
Please remember that I am only a few houses away (690 Grape) and would be happy to run any errands for you, bring you/your family some food or whatever I can do to help without being in the way. If you would like a visit, let me know:
phone: 303 579 7892
take care,

Unknown said...

Ira and I are under the clear blue skies of New Mexico, sending our love for the Doub family and looking forward to coming by with a good dinner for you all when we return after Monday. Love, Kathy Partridge

tony smith said...

you don't know me but I have met you when you opened your house to the neighbors after Eric had remodeled it. I think it was 1994 approx.
I remember the Japanese soaking tub.
I was really impressed with his work and have followed his projects ever since.
I am in the construction business myself (Smith Construction Co) and I live across the street from Josh & Elizabeth Weinstein. (Another remarkable project of Erics)
You are all a remarkable family. Peace be with you. Tony Smith

Kai and Mark said...

Hello Nancy. Hope things are still going well. What a change from earlier, you are an amazing fighter with a wonderful attitude, we are really learning a lot of positives from you! Keep it up, our thoughts and prayers have been with you everyday.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon and will be in touch to arrange a time.

Mark, Kai, and the Boys.