Sunday, December 21, 2008

From Boulder Community Hospital, with new prognosis

Eric here, sitting with Nancy in the Family Care Center (euphemism for the hospital's cancer ward). She says:

We have learned in the last two days that the cancer is spreading and creating fluid at a very rapid rate, to the extent that fluid is up around my lungs. There was some progress for breathing and comfort two nights ago when a lot of fluid was drained from my abdomen, but this cancer is very aggressive. The oncologists have decided that chemo is not likely to be helpful. The prognosis now is several weeks.

In two days I hope to be home and in the care of a very good hospice team. Tomorrow I am getting a tube put in that will allow me to drain the excess fluid at home.

Marian is here for the duration, and Aidan and Bob are visiting. If Aidan stays into the next school term, he will live at Solar Harvest with Ariel, Brian, Catherine and Eric and attend Ariel's school in Boulder.

I deeply appreciate all the love and care that has been expresssed. And I look forward to a reasonably comfortable holiday time, since I am not in much pain and surrounded by such warmth and support.

I am mainly focusing on being with family but do want to have visits from other loved ones. Marian is coordinating short visits, 415-730-1873, or email (slower response)


Unknown said...

Hi Nancy,

Our family, Christian, Hillary and I, are holding you in our loving thoughts as you pass through this time of transition.

We have watched your children grow up, especially your son Eric - who has been friends with my son Christian (Griffith) since K-12 days and know that your children's strength, courage and deep love surrounds you now ... and forever!

We are sending a flow of blessings your way ... for such a well led life and for being such a good role model for your family on how to live a life based on deeply held core values.

Alexia Parks

Martha/Marcie said...

Hi Nancy,
I'm trying to leave this for a second time. This time, I hope to get it right. I am pleased and a little smug to be able to post to this pesky, wonderful blog.
I remember the year we were roommates, and you slept on the floor in your sleeping bag the whole year. When you and Bill were engaged, I helped stack our room, creating a mountain (sort of) by turning my bed on end and draping it with sheets and blankets.
I send you much love and good wishes.

Valerie said...

Hi Nancy,

This is a time of sacred passage for you and your family. I am sending lots of light and caring thoughts.

Thank you Eric for including me in this news of your mom's health. I am honored to be part of your family's community at a time when we can stand by you all in spirit.

Valerie (Walsh)
tennis friend; green friend

debbie hyppa said...

nancy & family, my heart goes out to you, and i so wish i could send/do more to help you through this time! hospice was a big help to mom and me, and i believe they will be to you as well - they do this work for excellent reasons.

just wanted to thank you again, especially you, nancy, for the inspiration you have been to me, each in your own way. i'm striving to balance my ideals and daily family necessities, taking you as an example of how to keep many balls in the air.

i remember the doub household as a staging place for so many activities, including the current supportive ones, and am still sending strength & hope your way, debbie

Janie Kesselman said...

Hello Nancy,

Thank you for updating this blog, as I have been checking online rather than bother your family by calling...

I am holding you in my heart as you go through this transition. I'm so glad that you have all of your close family there with you now. Hearing Marian's voice is always a comfort to me! May it be for you as well.

It's been a privilege and a pleasure to be your neighbor and your friend ever since we connected so many years ago. Please let your family know that Peter, Sage, and I will be happy to help with projects you'd like completed out at Oak Meadow.

Speaking of which, just this morning I opened a jar of your apple-pear sauce to share with Peter, Sage, and Cory for our Solstice latke brunch. We were all thinking of you.

We will miss you very much, though so much of your energetic spirit bounces down the driveway to greet us when we stroll past, even when you're away!

All my love to you and your loved ones,

Anne Becher said...

Thank you Nancy and Eric for sharing the most recent news via the blog, and for providing this way to communicate with you.

Nancy, I want you to know that you have always seemed like the coolest mom. I love the story Eric tells of his commute to school in Japan as a very small child, with his bus fare and the sign around his neck stating his destination. What trust in his independence and the goodness of the world! What a gift to give a child!

I have never personally known any other family that has raised their kids according to the principles of civil disobedience. Obviously, it worked. Your kids are incredible and inspiring models of principled action, commitment to ideals, generosity, and community leadership. This is a legacy to be proud of; I feel privileged to be in their—and your—large circle of friends and fans.

I will be sending you positive energy and love over the next weeks, inspired by what Joe has told me of the grace with which he saw you facing this challenge.

With love,

Anne Becher

Debby Arzt-Mor said...

Dear Nancy -
All of us, Boaz, Tal, Edan and myself - love you. We just read your update and are glad that you will have the family around you. we are holding you in our hearts and sending you and bill all our love. just know that we will be there for marian, Aidan, bob and bill. we love you very much.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nancy,

I was so saddened to hear the news of your cancer diagnosis, and the most recent update on how aggressive it is. I have such fond memories of staying with you and Bill nearly a year ago at Oak Meadow, and of the wonderful brunch we had with Marian, Aidan, Janie, Peter and Sage on that wild and woolly morning. It was a great beginning to a very difficult day.

Know that my thoughts are with you all in Boulder. We missed Bob, Marian and Aidan at Solstice this year, but will celebrate it again on the next turn of the sun.

I am here in my cozy house filled with colored lights, where Lyra and Jojo are making a fabulous gluten-free red velvet cake for Jojo's 16th birthday today. We are listening to Nina Simone and thinking of you and all your family. May the weeks to come be filled with lights in the darkness, and the fullness of life's blessings in this season of sorrow.

Much love,


Unknown said...

Dear Nancy, you are in our thoughts and prayers, as is your whole family. I remember the joy of being with all of you at the Rocky Flats reunion, reconnecting with Marian and remember the long-time commitment you share together for peace and justice.

With love from Kathy Partridge and Ira Chernus

Debby Arzt-Mor said...

Dear Nancy -
I have been thinking of you all day, realizing how much I am going to miss you, and the many memories i have of you and with you over the years through my family's close connection with Marian, Bob and Aidan. Here are just some of the moments that come to mind - riding horses together and camp mather (you wanted a more spirited horse...); Sharing a Passover Seder with you, and a number of chanukah candle lightings; Going up to Oak meadow and being amazed by the play structure which you built for your grandchildren and their friends (Edan and tal loved it); Easter egg hunt at bob and marians and the celebration of the very cool treehouse; the many times you and bill came to help bob and marian through moving in and out, and most recently our bikeride in San francisco to the ball park and to the embarcadero shortly after our return from israel. Seeing you has always lifted my spirits. nancy - you are an amazing woman, I have always been inspired by your positive attitude, industriousness, creativity and unconditional support for all the members of your family. I am so saddened by this turn of events in the lives of you and your family. I know that during these next weeks you will be surrounded with the love and comfort of your amazing family. Please know that although we are not there in person, boaz and I are very much with you in spirit and hold you and the rest of the family close, very close, to our hearts. All our love, forever,