Monday, December 1, 2008

Not Out of the Hospital Woods Yet

Thanks so much to everyone who has called, tried to call (the phone has been unplugged most of the time, because Nancy has not had the energy to talk), sent flowers, written cards, and sent their love and support.

Nancy's surgery was 11/24/08, the day after her 71st birthday. During this procedure the surgeon found and removed a basketball-sized growth, calling what he found uterine sarcoma. The cancer had already spread into her abdomen and was visible as nodules on the small intestine. Other organs were not affected. At that time we were told to expect the pathology report, which would give us the essential information about cell type, and spread of the cancer, by the end of the week. Now it is 8 days post surgery, and the report is finally due tomorrow, 12/2. The consult with the surgeon is not for a week, we are told. Of course we hope it will be sooner, because that session will be the launching point for determining treatment.

The hospital stay after the operation has been pretty much all suffering. As the days wore on I came to nickname my dear mother The Plumbing Project, due to all of the tubes and equipment attached to and inside of her: IVs, of course, but also a food tube into the vein in her arm and up into a major vein in her neck, a bile-removal tube through her nose and into her stomach, and of course oxygen. Sleeping on her back on the bed is painful, and so the chair in room has been where she sleeps at night -- I call it "Amtraking It." Miserable!

Marian has been the Visiting Nurse and Family Caretaker / Advocate / Calming Supporter, staying at the hospital every other night and doing two nights in a row just now. Bill has stayed overnight several times and is there tonight. Marian and Bill have read two novels and other pieces to Nancy.

Nancy's voice is quite hoarse, with the tube still in place. She will not be able to take calls...for a couple days, is what we are hoping. The protocol is that a patient has to be eating and functioning normally in order to leave the hospital.
She should be home, optimistically speaking, in two days.

Your messages and posts on this Blogspot will be read to her.

We welcome all suggestions on modalities and care: herbs, tea, acupuncture, specialists, diet, lifestyle, and on and on. And if you don't send anything but your support and good wishes,
by thought and spirit, I believe those will be felt by Nancy and all of us.

Electronic / cyber communications: Please Post a Comment on this website

If sending something by mail:

Bill and Nancy Doub
3239 9th St.
Boulder, CO 80304


Unknown said...

Eric, thank you for keeping us updated. We are praying for your mom and your whole family everyday. We look forward to being able to greet my Aunt Nancy when she is comfortable enough for such a visit (even a brief one).

Mangosteen is sometimes used as a cleanser in the battle against cancer. XanGo is the most popular product of this type. See different perspectives from these websites for more information.


David Mullaney and family

Anne Becher said...

Dear Doub Family, Thanks for using this means to keep people who love you in touch. Know that all of us in our family are thinking about you, Nancy, and your family, and sending you all the positive energy we have for health and healing. Much love from Anne and the Richeys

P.S. It would also be nice to know--when and if this is appropriate--if we can help in any way with food, errands, etc.

Will Toor said...

Thanks for letting us know about this. Our thoughts are with nancy, and with the whole family. Much love from the Toor-Colvin clan.

david solnit said...

Dear Nancy,

Wishing you well and glad to hear, according to the blog post (rock on Eric and thanks for forwarding Bob) that things are improving. Sending my thoughts, love and Bay Area weather-- It's been warm and sunny almost all fall.

I'm getting up early tomorrow to do street theater in outside a corporate convention in the city of water privatizing and devouring corporations trying to clean up their image without cleaning up their act-- called "blue washing." We will have "corporate candy girls" and an illustration of what the corporations call their water footprint-- a giant boot print with skulls. promises to be fun and ruin their public relations.

It's the 9th anniversary of Seattle WTO protests this week. I was in jail in Seattle 9 years ago tonight. I wrote a reflection about it below if you and Eric are up for a longer read:

much love, David

Martha Sibley said...

Please let Aunt Nancy know that we hope she is feeling more comfortable VERY soon. We really appreciate that you are sharing news of her progress and we will be anxiously awaiting future updates. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Martha, Bob, Megan, and Kara

peggy olsen said...

Dear Eric and Marian,
Thank you for the update and care and love you are giving to your mother.

Dear Nancy,
I am sad you have been in so much pain and misery and hope there is relief coming soon as well as a homecoming.
My love to you and to Terry who I know hurts with every pain you have to go through.
LOve, Peggy and Bob (Hebard)

Bob Thawley said...

Our friend Manny, travelling on an extended pilgrimage in Tibet and India, sent this to us a few days ago:

I will be sure to "mention" Nancy and Bill to the Bodhi tree tomorrow, and light candles for you all.

Marian said...

Marian here from the Rose Medical Center in Denver...

Hello dearest friends and family,

We so feel your love and support pouring in and building healing power! We take hope and comfort in every moment and inspiration from your love and prayers. We are honored and so very blessed to have my mom's surgery & cancer healing/remission supported by a Shoshone sun dancer (friend of my Aunt Joyce), our friend Manny's prayers at Mt. Kailash in Tibet & the Bhodi tree in India, many candles of hope and healing on altars near and far, and words of wisdom and offers of support from near and far.

I'll do a real blog entry soon but until then here is the latest as of 3:30 Colorado time:
Nancy is doing so much better with every hour! She is free from almost all meds & tubes and dr's orders say no tubes by the end of the day. If she can move from liquid to solid food by Thursday morning we can go home by the end of day Thursday or Friday morning (12/5).

We live very much in the moment: many increasingly independent trips to the commode, laps walking the halls, clinking styrofoam cups of smoothies, and watching sappy relaxing shows on the hallmark channel btw naps and read aloud sessions. Today Nancy had her first shower and shampoo and smiled so happily as she sank back into her nice clean bed for a nap. Really we have so much to be grateful for: our love and family and community.

The 'big picture' (as we call it) is still emerging. Doc says hormone and chemo therapy are indicated for her stage IV uterine sarcoma with the goal of controlling the spread and going for remission. Final reports will not be in until later this week or next. And we'll wait for treatment plans & decision after that. Slow and steady wins the race...Nancy needs time to recover and regain her strength. Her and our cancer healing journey begins as we are held in so much love and support.

I leave for SF on Friday to return sometime during the week of Dec.15.. Her good friend Peggy will most likely be journeying from Monterey CA to join Catherine in coordinating the 'core' support needed in the coming weeks. Meals and other help will be needed. Please call Catherine with offers: 303-415-9396...

Lots and Lots of Love,

Cindy Changar said...

Hi Nancy,

You are in my thoughts and prayers. You have always been an inspiration to me, and I have always been amazed at the person you are; patient, tolerant, loving, giving, smart, CREATIVE, resourceful and committed to the good of the world and making it a better place for all of those around you.

Get Well Soon!!! Love, Cindy and Antonio

Bob Thawley said...

Hello it's Aidan I hope Gramma is safe,warm and comfortable.I hope you are A-OKAY soon,Gramma

Kai and Mark said...

Hi Nancy,

so glad to hear you are improving and close to leaving the hospital. You have been in our thoughts everyday. The boys asked about you on Thanksgiving at Tina's. We were all thinking about you, everyone missing a very important and loved part of the group!! Hope to visit you soon in the comfort of your home when you are ready. Love Kai, Mark, and the Boys.

Kristy said...

We're glad to know that you are feeling so much better. Keep taking the pain medication - they told me that you get better faster when you are not in pain.

We're thinking of you every day and are so glad that your family and friends can be there physically for you. We can be there only spiritually - but we are.

Love, Kristy and David

Eric Doub said...

Here is a post I received by email:

We are sending our best wishes to you, Nancy, and to your whole family. It would appear this is one of those times in life where there is no dress rehearsal; this is about as real as it gets. It seems you are all meeting this challenge with open hearts and minds. May love, learning and laughter prevail.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to assist in the recovery.

Lots of love from all our family,


Unknown said...

Janie K. just sent me the blog address. I was so much wanting to know how you were. It is wonderful that you are surrounding with so much love and caring. You absolutely deserve it. I have sent, I hope it is okay, your name to a Maori healer I met about a month ago. She laid her hands on me and I know that I am the healthier for it. Today the UC Davis Transplant team advised me that I was not ready to get on the list. My local MD was wrong! Hurray! Just that made me feel a million times better. I know I was helped by Minnie.

I will keep sending light and love to you and Bill for a complete remission.


marygee said...

Hi Nancy,
We're are sad to hear about your medical challenges, arghh! You have carried so many worthy torches to help the world be a better place for all of us. We are sending our support to you, through this arduous venture. We will keep the fires lit!
Peace & Love,
Mary & Paul

Unknown said...

Hi Nancy,

We were so sad to hear your news. I hope you are continuing to recover from the surgery and feeling stronger every day. I loved reading what you sent to Pomona! What a great spirit you have and what a great adventure your life has been. It's truly inspiring.

You and the whole Doub clan are in our thoughts, and we look forward to hearing of your progress through this great blog.


Anne Gass

Barbara said...

Eric, thanks for keeping us all updated about Nancy and thanks for sharing photos too. Both you and Marian have changed a bit since I last saw you in Japan! Nancy, my thoughts are with you. Somehow, I feel that we have stayed connected through Books on Tape. I'm glad Peggy is with you now. She may have other close friends; but you have always seemed the closest to her heart.
Love to you and Terry,
Barbara Miller

Unknown said...

Hi Nancy~ We're so sorry to hear about what you have been going through lately! Ger, Abby and I are thinking of you and the family and sending you lots of healing thoughts and wishes. We hope to visit you again when you are feeling better! With love, The Lee's

Tina B said...

Hi Nancy! Scott Sutter alerted me to what's going on with your health, and he sent along Eric's blog link. I send you healing vibes and prayers for a full recovery. I will be in Boulder over the holidays and intend to come by your house to deliver direct well wishes and a hug. Courage and strength to you!

Unknown said...

Nancy, I have sent you many wishes for your life in all its fullness to continue. I am happy to hear of all the things that Eric reported that you are planning, especially your autobio. I thought I had a fair handle on many of your life's paths, and I still learned from and enjoyed this first snippet. I am so happy to hear that you will be continuing to finish the stable. What an adventure that has been watching you create it.

We are in "white winterland" now in our neck of the woods as I am sure Boulder is.

I send you much love and continue thoughts for your recovery.


Tien-Smith Travel Blog said...

Bill and Nancy,
great posts, and we are hearing tid-bits from across the street every once in a while, like today from mom... We Hope things get better, and would like to help out in any way: informationally to bounce medical considerations or as Mom offered to lend a helping hand from there with chores or a meal! We will visit you in the very near future too. Surely you need a refill of honey by now...
Much love, Scott and Phyllis

Martha/Marcie said...

Hello Nancy,
Here come many wishes for courage, strength, and healing from California. It was good to talk to Peggy yesterday evening. Good wishes also to you, Terry, and to all the Doub family. I've just read through all of the messages. What a strong and loving community are holding you with wishes, hopes and prayers. I feel honored to be part of that community.

That's all for now as I am trying again to post a message to this blog successfully.

debbie hyppa said...

eric, thanks for sending the link, and i'm sending everyone involved in this effort my best wishes for strength, balance & love.

nancy, i can't believe it's been so long since i've seen you! i'm not sure if you remember, my mom and i waged and won a similar struggle with cancer 8 years ago. the same accoutrements were present: the tubes, commodes, sleeping sitting up, family & friends, wishes, healings & prayers, etc.

i've been inspired by your avid pursuit of tennis, hunter-jumping, & education, to name just the ones i witnessed, and i know you'll thrive with all the help you're getting now. i'm so sorry i can't be there in person to help, but
i recognize many of the names of those posting, and know they'll be of the best aid.

since i've seen you last i've gotten my registered nursing license and (finally!) gotten married myself. i'm a step-mom, mother-in-law & grandma - 10-month-old ethan is giggling at his "lola's" (philippino for grandma) attempts to keep his excursions safe!

so i'm sending you our best wishes for continued progress, peace and hopes for joy, and greetings to all the doubs & friends out there, from chico, ca.

Martha/Marcie said...

Good evening, Nancy,
It's cold here (For Davis), 40's high during the day and down to the 20's at night. Woodland had snow, most unusual. I'm pretty sure the sierra foothills also are white with snow. Here, Laney and I go out 4 times a day to do what must be done and scurry back again as quickly as possible to warm up.
Fortunately, it's not too cold for good wishes for you, Nancy, Terry, Marion, Erick and all the family.
Hi to Peggy, are you still there?

tina childs said...

Dear Nancy,
I thought about you all day yesterday and prayed at church as well. I am so happy you are part of my families life...Ariel and Brian are very lucky to have such an involved loving, caring wonderful grandma as you..or magooosh ( Spelling haha)We love you sooo much..Tina Morgan and Annika

Unknown said...

You and your family have always been an inspiration to me on right livelihood and integrating your family in making the planet a better place. When Janet and I discussed getting married and having a child, I worried about if that would be the end to our activism, then I thought of your family. I still do whenever, I need to figure out how to balance it all. You are one of our touchstones.


Evan Freirich

David and Roxana said...

Dear Nancy,

Your example of calmness and courage in this very difficult stage in your life is worthy of imitation. We are keeping you and your family in our prayers.

Penny said...

Dear Nancy,
After our wonderful conversation this afternoon, I hope not our last, I want you to know I'm going to play tennis now and hit some balls for you. I'm going to try for a perfect shot and when I feel it, dedicate it to my tennis buddy, Nancy.

kristian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kristian said...

Dear Nancy,
I was so sorry to hear about your condition. I have always admired you for your strength, your energetic spirit and your love for life. I know your a fighter since I was on the other side of the net plenty of times when I thought I had you down. You always found a way to win. I remember learning the cold shower and coming out with wet hair before the match. I know you'll find a way through this terrible time. Call me if you need anything or just a few laughs and I'll come by. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Lv, Nancy Antos

Penny said...


I saw this email today and thought you'd get a kick out of it. Penny
Happy IVGLDSW Day!
Today is International Very Good Looking, Damn Smart Woman's Day. Remember this motto to live by: Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming 'WOO HOO what a ride!'

Have a wonderful day

peggy olsen said...

Peggy said...
Dear friends of Nancy,
As a college and life time friend of Nancy, I was privileged to be in Boulder during the difficult period where Nancy got out of the hospital in Denver and was sent home without nursing care. The family was given mixed messages from the surgeon, with the words chemotherapy and remission being used, but also being told there was tumor left in the abdomen that couldn't be removed.
Within a week, Nancy was back in Boulder Community Hospital where they were able to deal with her fluid buildup and where the oncologist came and let Nancy and the family know chemotherapy wasn't possible because of the aggressive nature of the cancer.
I can't say enough for the strength and dignity with Nancy received the devastating news that her time left was short. Her calm acceptance helped the rest of us, though of course the pain of hearing this news was intense.
We were all grateful that with Hospice on board, Nancy would get the nursing care she would need in order to stay at home.
I also can't say enough for the attentive and loving care given on a daily basis by Bill and Marian, with Eric, Catherine and Bob there for much support too. Bill is the
epitome of patience, always dropping whatever he is doing to be there for Nancy when called. And Marian as well can't do enough for her mom.
When I was there, (Dec 9 to 19) Nancy's energy level was so low that even though she wanted to record stories of her life, she wasn't able to do it. I am so happy she has been able to do that for all of us to have in the future. It is a wonderful gift.
I also must thank the many people that brought food. Nancy had to be on a fluid diet and couldn't eat it, but it was so helpful for Bill and me, as helping Nancy and figuring out what to do next didn't leave time for cooking. And the food was delicious!
With much love for Nancy, her family and friends in these so difficult days, Peggy

Penny said...

Dear Nancy,

I hope your breaths are coming more easily today. I just want you to know you are in my thoughts.


Eddy said...

Nancy-- Terry--Eric and Marian---Alex sent me a link to your blog, and I'm so glad she did that, as I heard through the family grapevine (Mariana) that you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer--then came Christmas and politics and financial crashes, and no one spoke of anything else! Dear ones, Osvaldo & I and Carmen (who's sitting next to me right now at Alpine Meadows while kids are in ski school)were so sad to hear of how you must have suffered this last month, but heartened to read all of the love and attention you're getting--literally wallowing in love.
Terry, dear cousin, I hope you and your stellar kids and grandkids are gathered together with the strength that abounds in a family such as yours.
Nancy, Osvaldo and I send you all our love & wish you weren't so far away so we could come and give you a huge hug. I'm thinking of you all every day.
Much, much love, Eddy

Georgeann Gaston said...

We really valued the fairly short friendship we had with Nancy, starting with a brief contact made in 1990, I believe. She was so sweet in her recollections of my father (through her mom). That meant a lot to me.

Our visit with her in San Francisco and in Northern California three years ago were delightful. We felt like we had known both Bill and Nancy for a long time.

We so admired their dedication to living their ideals. Obviously brilliant people, they were also wonderfully down to earth.

I know Bill, Terry as we knew him will continue his activism.

I feel we were enriched by knowing and claiming Nancy as a special cousin.

We are very sorry that Nancy could not continue as the super grandma, building structures and creating wonderful spaces for children.

I know she will be missed by many.

Georgeann (Platt) Gaston Longview, Wa.